What a remarkable guy.
A retired army colonel, served in Germany, now lectures at Boston University, self-confessed conservative, claims to have voted for Obama, but with the freshest, cleverest ideas I've heared for a long time. Would make an interesting addition to the NY times op-ed page.
Few interesting things to remember to follow-up on:(my rough notes, not his exact words)
- President Carter's "malaise" speech. The word "malaise" was never used in the speech, but it was described by an aide as that. Not well received by the public, but has important message on reliance on oil
- His views on Iran. Without being an apologist (was really scared of being labelled so) he said that we should try to see things from their perspective and what they regarded as a threat. Interesting scenario he painted:
- - surrounded by US forces in its neighbourhood
- - rebuffed when it tried to say nice things
- Somalia - thinks/thought that it was Albright's advice to stay beyond the 'welfare mission', and Clinton administration picked this up, from Bush admin. But, Bush had made this decision after Clinton was already president-elect
- Bible/scriptures as he reads it does not have a 'special place' for Americans, yet many Americans think we are the 'chosen' people
- Described thoughts/ideas of 18 year old kids who he teaches, and how their ideas have been shaped
- Wilsonian - Is Obama a closet Wilsonian - gave examples of comments Obama has made